The Boiler manufacturing activity in India dates back to the 1960s.
Indian Boilers Manufacturers’ Association was founded in 1988, and is the sole representative
body of boiler manufacturers and industries ancillary to boiler manufacture in the organized sector
throughout the country that contribute majorly to the national production of boiler packages, IBMA
is a nonprofit, nongovernment organization with an overall objective to
Introducing you into a community of focused interest and problem solving dedicated to the advancement and growth of the boiler industry.
Better communication and understanding between
a) Manufacturers and their Customers and
b) Manufacturers and Suppliers
IBMA membership encompasses SME’s, organizations and companies which manufacture
products or provide services for use in the manufacture or in conjunction with the use of boilers or
boiler-related equipment.
IBMA aims to Promote, Advance and Protect the interests of the Boiler and Boiler accessory
manufacturing industry in India or in any part thereof. IBMA initiates representations to all or any
Central or State Government or Local or Semi-Public authorities, executives or legislature on any
matter directly or indirectly affecting the boiler industry.
IBMA aims to assists the boiler fraternity by seeking affiliation to and / or communicate with the
Chamber of Commerce and other commercial and public bodies throughout India and the World
and concert and promote measures for protection and development of boiler industry.
IBMA aspires to meet the various needs of enterprises by combining the power of networking and
resource building thereby represents their issues to the government.
Your company may belong to more trade associations than just the IBMA, but no other trade
association provides the unique, tandem values of IBMA membership: IBMA focus is confined to
the boiler industry, and its member companies are generally represented primarily by their chief
executive officers or other upper management – your peers who are most closely associated with
their company’s bottom line.
IBMA aims to constitute and maintain a Central National Organization amongst all those engaged
in the manufacturing of boiler with an objective to ensure that all their members design, develop,
manufacture and market world-class boilers in terms of both quality and efficiency; to focus
attention on energy and environment challenges the world is facing and also emerging
technologies which have potential to achieve significant energy resource conservation and
environment protection through sustainable development technologies.
Exhibitions / Seminars and meetings
Participation in national & international exhibition
Organizing member visits to Exhibitions / Confex organized in other countries
Publish of Event Booklets
Representing IBMA to CBB (Central Boiler Board of India)